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ADF Serials Message Board > ADF Serials Website Updates > August 2018 Updates

Posted by: Martin Edwards Sep 4 2018, 02:03 PM
4/08/2018 updated Pakistan Mirage page
Added details regarding the loss of 90-509 ex A3-9

Boomerang page
Relocation of A46-206 to RAAHC

Army Twin Otter
Added details and photos of VH-HPY

RAAF Growler page
Added loss of A46-311

10/08/2018 updated Jindivik page
Added photos of Jindiviks inside Bristol Freighters

24/08/2018 updated RAF Canberra
On-going additional text and photos

Learjet page
Added two new additions to the Air Affairs Fleet VH-NPP & VH-LPX

25/08/2018 updated King Air page
Retirement of A32-343, 346, 348, 349 and 351

27/08/2018 updated Vampire page
Report of survival of A79-632 after East Sale fire dump, thanks to Derek Lee

29/08/2018 updated Iroquois page
Added our first photo of A2-714 thanks to Mike Medhurst
Added new heading photo thanks to Steve Bowdery

Updated Winjeel page
Noted change of ownership of A85-436 to Aerotec Qld.

30/08/2018 updated PC-21 page
Added details and photos of the latest aircraft as they appear at Stans thanks to Stephan Widmer

Added photos from the collection of Walter Smeal
Added a selection of late 80s early 90s Wagga and Richmond photos from Steve Bowdery

Posted by: Brenden S Sep 8 2018, 05:31 PM
What do all the updates entail mate?

Posted by: Martin Edwards Sep 9 2018, 02:05 AM
Q; What do the updates entail?

A; They seem to entail a lot of hard yakka for very little noticeable result.

Stupid me didn't even keep a good record of what I updated so just went off what pages had been uploaded to the registry over the month.
Where I can remember I have added the details to the original post above
Where I can't remember then sorry but I have no idea.
I have deleted these being mentioned as an update, it may of been as minor as a typo correction or something more major.
I will try and take more care this month.

Posted by: enfield38 Sep 10 2018, 10:40 PM

Something isn't right with the Iroquois main page update, everything's missing from A2-714 downwards.

Posted by: Martin Edwards Sep 12 2018, 01:29 PM
It's working ok for me.
Try refreshing your browser or deleting internet cache and try again

Posted by: enfield38 Sep 12 2018, 04:53 PM
It's ok now Martin. A bit strange, I had also tried on iPad Safari, Chrome and IE11 and they were all doing the same thing. One of life's mysteries I guess...

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