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ADF Serials Message Board > AIRSHOWS > Bone At Amberley

Posted by: Aardvark Mar 8 2011, 08:08 PM
A B-1B, probably on its way from Avalon, landed at Amberley around lunch time today.

Posted by: Mike.S Mar 9 2011, 10:50 AM
It was from Avalon and was supposed to be heading home on Monday, but was unable to retract its nosegear on departure. It spent around 90 mins circling attempting to troubleshoot the problem, as well burn enough gas to get under MLW

From what i've heard its gone up to AMB because there are no jacks at Avalon suitable for the B-1, or something to that effect

It must have been a fairly slow trip all the way up with the gear down...

Where have they got it parked?

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