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ADF Serials Message Board > AIRSHOWS > Wings Over Illawarra 2014

Posted by: Dave Masterson May 5 2014, 01:54 PM
This video is not mine and was copied from the Ön the Roger Forum"It was taken at the wings over Illawarra Airshow 2014. Apparently not much flew as there was to much wind. Even the Hornets did not give a display.

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 5 2014, 03:21 PM
Sound like it was a lousy day.
Check out Jeff Trappett's Sabre landing, very lucky not to prang.
Reported to have struck a drop tank and blew a tyre before running off the runway.
At the end of the video look at the girl's hair to get an indication of the wind.

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 13 2014, 07:35 PM
Check out this heart stopper of a landing!
Then watch as even the Hornets struggle with the cross wind.

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