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ADF Serials Message Board > AIRSHOWS > Amberley Airshow 2013

Posted by: Warhawk Aug 21 2012, 11:21 PM

Apparently planned!

26/02/2013 to March 1st for Trade days, then Public Days 2nd and 3rd of March 2013

First one sans F-111AUP though,....but first with F/A-18Fs and KC-30As and no doubt E-7As

Gordy biggrin.gif

Posted by: Martin Edwards Aug 22 2012, 03:32 PM
Thanks Gordy
Do you know I never realised the Wedgetails had an E-7A designation?
There is no mention of it on our aircraft page.
I will correct that next update

Posted by: Joe Barr Aug 22 2012, 04:45 PM
Hi Gordy

Presume you meant Avalon in the heading not Anberley - or are the two shows with the same program? The website for Avalon is already developing at:


Posted by: Warhawk Aug 24 2012, 02:20 PM
I hope its not an error: Though I confess that your comment rings a high percentage of truth!

Qld Times 21/08/2012 Page 4

Don't you believe what's written in the Papers?



Posted by: Martin Edwards Aug 24 2012, 04:30 PM
I wonder if the good Mayor has his wires crossed?

Posted by: Martin Edwards Aug 24 2012, 05:02 PM
...or more correctly he has been misquoted by the press
(Thanks Phantom)

Posted by: Warhawk Aug 25 2012, 02:38 PM

Oh so sad now!!!!!

Boooo hoooo hoooo

Gordy,........ dry.gif

Posted by: Rod Farquhar Aug 25 2012, 05:15 PM
I know the feeling Gordy, After waitnig five years for a return to Edinburgh the rotters went to Pearce instead!

Posted by: richardavn Sep 9 2012, 07:15 PM
I was talking to an Air Commodore at the Darwin Open Day in August and he told me that the RAAF Open days would be in the even years so as not to clash with Avalon events.
So we have Avalon in 2013, while the reported RAAF Open day for 2014 will be at Point Cook then back to Avalon in 2015.
If Edinburgh or Amberley are next cabs off the rank it will be 2016, however, the crazy way this country is going it could be anywhere - if at all.
Pearce only happened because of direct intervention by Min Of Def - Stephen Smith after I had sent him a three page letter mid last year after hearing that Pearce had been taken off the airshow circuit because of the expense of getting ADF Assets over to WA.
I explained to him that we seemed to have a lot of dosh sending stuff to Singapore and Malaysia and even to the USA for Red Flag etc and then sending a Wedgetail to an event in the UK just months ago.
He just happens to be my local MP and I had several interesting conversations with staff in his Perth office as well his Canberra peoples. After getting a personal response from him, albeit a bit after a year, however, I was happy with a Pearce show as there will not be one for at least another 10 years - if at all as Stephen Smith will not be a Minister of Def then!
BTW The RAAF are to be congratulated for a very good setup for the Darwin Open Day last month, aircraft were well placed and it was fantastic - the Indonesian Su-27 and Su-30 Flankers were the highlights.
Richard Siudak
Perth, Western Australia

Posted by: Warhawk Sep 12 2012, 02:22 PM
Thanks Richard for your comment. Time for pen and paper.

Mind you, I do see a mini airshow at Amberley when they practice in years past, so I do get to see a small part of it. (A8-134 pictured back in 2010 before Singapore with me only person on the eastern fence)

So I could tick the C-17 & F/A-18F boxes next Feb

Meanwhile I'm off to Townsville at the end of Nov to help #1 Son move back in his house(coffee maker and toasted sandwich cook only cool.gif ) and will have a gawk at the RAAF Museum and 5AAv flight lines.

Still, it isn't Avalon is it!!! I might talk to the Minister of Finance (and Husband Punishment) for a weekend waver and a ticket dry.gif


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