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ADF Serials Message Board > Books, Readings, Videos & Reviews > New Book: Australian Eagles

Posted by: Brendan Cowan Jun 18 2013, 08:31 AM
Hi All,

Kristen Alexander is releasing a new book at the moment:

Many of you will know that Kristen has also written:

Clive Caldwell Air Ace

Jack Davenport Beaufighter Leader

What you may not know is that Kristen has been a regular visitor to the ADF-Serials website and is in touch with us with updates and additional material and corrections and has promoted our site too.

I've ordered my copy and looking forward to seeing it arrive soon.

Good luck with it Kristen!

Brendan C

Posted by: Kristen Jun 20 2013, 04:49 PM
Thanks for mentioning the new book, Brendan.

It is not yet officially released but Alexander Fax Booksellers (my day job) has already received stock - as you know! - and it is selling well. It is a limited edition of 500 numbered and signed copies.

Australian Eagles tells the stories of five Australian pilots and one adopted Australian who successfully defended Britain against the Luftwaffe: Jack Kennedy of Sydney (Spitfire and Hurricane pilot of 238 Squadron), Dick Glyde of Perth (Hurricane pilot of 87 Squadron), Tasmanian Stuart Walch (Hurricane pilot of 238 Squadron), Des Sheen of Canberra (Spitfire pilot of 72 Squadron), John Crossman of Newcastle (Hurricane pilot of 46 Squadron) and English-born James Coward who retired to Canberra (Spitfire pilot of 19 Squadron).

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