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ADF Serials Message Board > ADF Telegraph our ADF-Serials & NZDF-Serials Newsletter > Adf-serials Telegraph

Posted by: Shep Jun 11 2021, 04:14 PM
The latest edition is "out now"!

Thanks you very much to John, Gordon and Mark.

Hope you enjoy it and find it interesting.

If you'd like to submit an article, send an email to

Posted by: SpazSinbad Jun 13 2021, 10:01 AM
Good strategy. The internet is full of errors (probably more than facts in some cases) and it is IMPOSSIBLE to correct them all because the errors are amplified (perhaps unwittingly) on many other websites/publications/books which use the internet as a source [OH THE HORROR!]. Even so many pre-internet books published have egregious errors which sadly will NEVER be corrected and sadly they will be cited in future books/websites etc. etc.... Going to the trouble to make corrections is EXCELLENT!

Posted by: Brenden S Jun 14 2021, 07:20 PM
Another great read and thanks to the contributors

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