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ADF Serials Message Board > ADF Telegraph our ADF-Serials & NZDF-Serials Newsletter > Autumn 2020

Posted by: Warhawk Jan 15 2020, 11:17 AM
Hi there all.

Enjoy reading the Newsletter for some time? Want to cover other periods of history????

How would you like to participate and provide a story for inclusion for the next or even a future edition? Even a regular series would be nice. IE: Army or Navy Aviation etc,..a Airforce story "on my old man or Grandfather/Uncle"

Why?? Its been a two man show for far too long and we need support and help to insure that it remains fresh.

Don't be shy or unsure , if you think you'd like to.

Regardless of experience, guidance or even tutoring/associated research will always be available to assist you where we can.

Look forward to your reply addressed to : , with heading : Newsletter


Posted by: Warhawk Mar 3 2020, 10:32 AM

Final touches happening cool.gif

Posted by: Warhawk Mar 4 2020, 12:37 PM
She's up !!

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