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ADF Serials Message Board > ADF Telegraph our ADF-Serials & NZDF-Serials Newsletter > Winter Adf-telegraph

Posted by: Warhawk Apr 28 2017, 09:43 PM
Due to moving, I may be a little late for the June 1st Deadline. Not saying that I won't make it, rather difficulties in moving house and life from dismal Ipswich to North Coast, may delay it,.......anyway, a heads up

Climb every mountain,....puff,..cough,..


Posted by: Warhawk May 14 2017, 03:27 PM
Well,...phew,...and puff,..moving settling in. Batman's Article is a whopper and packed full on information and stats.

We will, I think, get near 100 pages in this issue,..a Record, mainly thanks to John. Well Done Mate.

Any contributions are welcome,....if not for this issue, but moreso in the future.

Gordy,..back in formation

Posted by: Brenden S May 15 2017, 08:14 PM

P3 at HARS?

Posted by: Warhawk May 18 2017, 08:06 AM
Looks like it,...she's wrapped up,..signifying its not going to fly today.

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