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ADF Serials Message Board > ADF Telegraph our ADF-Serials & NZDF-Serials Newsletter > Summer 2011 Newsletter

Posted by: Martin Edwards Nov 14 2011, 02:24 PM
Gordon Birkett has produced another gem of a newsletter
It is available at

Thanks Gordy

All previous newsletters are still available at

Posted by: Brendan Cowan Nov 14 2011, 04:00 PM
Another rivetting read!

Thanks Gordy!


Posted by: Warhawk Nov 15 2011, 08:50 PM
Rivets are what hold together aircraft! biggrin.gif

Posted by: darren.crick Apr 26 2012, 09:51 PM
Well done Gordy...

Posted by: Warhawk Apr 28 2012, 10:13 PM
Thanks Daz,..always appreciated "Red Leader's" comments

Posted by: Warhawk May 18 2012, 03:06 PM

We can take any articles for the Winter Edition now, so if you like to assist and add your article, you would be most welcomed.

Would also welcome a serial number of the C-17A that landed in Darwin dated 10-11/05/2012. Saw it come in, but couldn't read the serial.

Gordy cool.gif

Posted by: Warhawk May 20 2012, 12:58 PM
The "Winter Edition" Deadline will close for any articles by the 25th May 2012

So if you have anything to throw up and in, please don't be shy!!!!!!!

If only Pics, that's great wink.gif

IE: Battle

K7613 Mk.1 24/05/41 Rec'd 1 AP ex UK with Merlin III 6107,
14/07/41 Ansetts to Repair 6107, 11/07/41 Allotted 2 BGS ex 1 AP (Rec'd 19/09/41),
12/08/41 Merlin 6107 re-allotted,
15/08/41 Merlin 31397 Installed,
20/09/41 Rec'd 2 BGS ex 1 AP,
20/12/41 A/C force landed and struck fence. Both oleo legs damaged,
22/03/42 A/C collided with parked grader in M/T area - Petrol tank holed,
27/07/42 Issued ANA Parafield ex 2 BGS ,
25/09/42 Stripping suspended pended receipt of suitable jacks and trestles,
06/11/42 Repairs on Fuselage suspended awaiting parts, 29/01/43 Fuselage being stripped,
05/02/43 Fuselage being cleaned ready for painting,
19/02/43 Mainplanes assembled fuselage being cleaned,
25/06/43 Assembly Proceeding,
02/08/43 1st Test flight Completed,
13/08/43 Ready for final test flight,
22/08/43 Allotted 2 BGS ex ANA,
23/08/43 Minor adjustments after test flight,
01/09/43 Rec'd 2 BGS ex ANA,
08/12/43 Allotted 3 AOS ex 2 BGS (Rec'd 13/12/43),
24/02/44 Allotted 1 CRD (Rec'd 28/02/44),
Converted to Components .
It needed a Pic, and here's one

So how and when did that accident happen and who was the crew?????

What was the name of the dog under the fuselage? Looks like a "bitch" though ph34r.gif


Posted by: Warhawk May 21 2012, 03:31 PM
Thank goodness for the Army,....have the Serial of the C-17A uplifting the M1A1

A41-209 blink.gif

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 21 2012, 03:39 PM
Photos at

Posted by: Brendan Cowan May 21 2012, 03:41 PM
Hey Gordy,

Nice pic to accompany thase words about Battle K7613 - (those words look vaguely familiar! tongue.gif )

I've just come back from my trip to Korea, so I'll try to get something together for you by the end of the week.



Posted by: Warhawk May 21 2012, 03:43 PM

BTW, I might try and get a ADF-Serials address again for email

Gordy@adf-Serials*(*&&%$%$% blah blah would be good


Posted by: Martin Edwards May 21 2012, 03:44 PM
Re Battle question

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 21 2012, 03:45 PM

Posted by: Warhawk May 21 2012, 03:45 PM
What's the dog's name? LOL


Posted by: Martin Edwards May 21 2012, 03:45 PM
Thanks to Phantom

Posted by: Brendan Cowan May 21 2012, 03:56 PM
I think that the dog was nicknamed "Gremlin"!



Drop me a line (offline) and I'll fix you up with the adf-serials email address.

Just let me know which of your private address you want to associate to your adf/nzdf accounts.

Thanks Martin & Phantom for the details on our broken Battle.



Posted by: Warhawk May 21 2012, 04:16 PM
Have done


I'm off


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