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ADF Serials Message Board > Early Australian Military Aviation AFC, CFS, AAC & AAF > D.H.9 crash

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 11 2013, 08:03 PM
We recieved this e-mail

G'Day Chaps,

I must say that I really enjoy visiting your web-site and viewing all the info and photos there.

I was drawn to look up SE5a A2-24 on ADF Serials by an On-this-day article about the tragic crash that occurred during a flypast at Canberra on 7 May 1927.

ADF Serials post three photos identified as being of the crash scene. However the aeroplane in those photos is not an SE5a.

The photographs sorrowfully depict a DH9, identifiable by its rounded rudder with balance horn, Siddeley Puma 6 cylinder inline engine and wire braced metal framed aft fuselage. In contrast an SE5a has a square rudder, no balance horn, V8 engine and the fuselage is all wood construction with wire bracing.

I have attached photos of these features to compare in identifying the remains as a DH9. The rudder shape, horn and rib placing can be compared. The aft fuselage metal longerons with wire bracing are visible and the Siddeley Puma engine (although viewed from the back) can be compared for the join of the upper and lower crankcase halves, shape of the sump and join of the heads to the cylinders.

The photos files I have attached come from:

I admire your work and think you are doing a great job, I just want to help you keep your website one of the best on my favourite subject.

Cheers and all the best,

Henry Taylor

The photos concerned are from the Australian Archives and would appear to have been incorrectly labelled

I wonder if the hills in the background give a clue to the location.
If it is Canberra then the NAA may of mistaken photos of the crash of A6-28 as being A2-24

The photo of A2-24 below from

Posted by: Rod Farquhar May 11 2013, 10:47 PM
Nice to get such a comprehensive correction.

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 9 2014, 11:54 AM
A year on and they are still using the wrong picture.
I have added this thread to our Facebook page, we will see what happens.

Posted by: Warhawk May 10 2014, 01:27 PM
While not my area of expertise,. I had a check per files

The 02/05/27 Accident per A2-24 was Sgt D M Carroll Serv#303 of No1 Sqn
The 07/05/27 Accident per A2-24 was F/O F C Ewen of No 1Sqn, not No 3 Sqn

There was another Accident the day before on the 06/05/27 at Canberra with a DH-9A, A1-3, with the Pilot from No 3 Sqn D B Griffith, and another preceding one,..on the 05/05/27 DH-9A A1-6 with F/O N Mulroney,..with yet another on the preceding day,..04/05/27 with DH-9A A1-4 with H D McGilvery,..all No 3Sqn.

These don't seem to be recorded per 1A1s

Seems to be the place to bend them


Posted by: Martin Edwards May 10 2014, 07:52 PM
Great work Gordy.
Not a great time for flying a DH.9a at Canberra!

I don't think any of these will be the mystery NAA crash photos due to engine shown in wreckage ie an in-line engine rather than the V12 Liberty in the DH.9a

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 8 2015, 05:30 PM
Two years on I have found that I was correct in surmising the photos were in fact

BTW two years on they are still using the wrong picture!

Posted by: Martin Edwards May 10 2016, 11:15 AM
Hooray, three years on they have finally removed the incorrect photographs

Posted by: Brendan Cowan May 16 2016, 10:16 AM
Persistence pays of Martin. ;-)

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