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ADF Serials Message Board > General Discussion > At5 Ar8 Tx Rx Equipment

Posted by: Shep Oct 3 2023, 11:19 AM
A9-502 was indeed KT-C with 7SQN, but it spent most of its life with 1SQN as NA-Q and then NA-W (but, as indicated by others, no known photos).

In terms of AT5:

Here is a link to forum post by Ozhawk40 (also a member here) on ( for “RAAF Pub No.299, The Australian Beaufort Electrical Manual (May 1944)”:

NAA link to “ACD 2005(2), Manual of ASV Mk.II (Aust)”:

Also, link from the website for “RAAF Pub No.275, Instruction Manual for General Purposes W/T Equipment Type AT5/AR8”:

ADF-Serials Telegraph Volume 10, Issue 6 pp92-94 a (very) brief explanation of RADAR especially with regard to ASV II as used in RAAF Hudson’s and Beaufort’s.

By the way, the full (volume) that that article was a part of, can be found over on IPMS(NSW) in their “In Miniature” Volume 37-2:

In ADF-Serials Telegraph Volume 11, Issue 4 pp45-64 is an article that discusses some aspects of RAAF Beaufort’s with 1SQN and 2SQN (the full volume will appear on IPMS(NSW), most likely in their volume 38-2 (subject to change – current issue is 37-3)).

Hope this helps. If anybody reads this (especially if they are a member of the adf-serials facebook group), they might consider directing the original poster to this.

Posted by: Brenden S Oct 15 2023, 10:24 PM
Nice bit of research there mate.

Posted by: Warhawk Feb 26 2024, 01:39 PM
And..whilst at 7Sqn RAAF as KT-C

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