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ADF Serials Message Board > Website Status > Website Problems

Posted by: Les Billcliff Jul 21 2022, 01:51 PM
It appears the site administrators are having difficulties loading new pages onto the site. A page for NZDF has been waiting since December to be loaded, and has been re-sent twice since. Frustraing as there will be very shortly another new page to be added.

Posted by: Warhawk Oct 1 2022, 02:47 PM
Worst than that( if it could be though) Comms or comments from the remaining vis ADF Headshed either. or per Questions.....Seems we're "inactive". My long winded Updates are in the same boat and cover the same period.

Shame, loose your incentive somewhat here-on. Been a blast over the past 23 years.

This reply is so you don't "feel alone"!

I have no access per anything, so that's my positional view, which just like you, "disappoints me ".

With that, I'm signing off and its now back to just research for my own database purposes.


Posted by: Les Billcliff Oct 16 2022, 05:23 PM
Hi Gordy,
The lack of communication is the main bugbear.
I'm still working on updates for the pages I have, then will ask for the pages I need for further updates.
At the stage now of needing another new page to be loaded (Boeing P-8) and still waiting for the Beech 350 page (been sent 4 times).
Hopefully the issue will get resolved soon.

Posted by: Shep Nov 15 2022, 10:37 AM
Perhaps an update is occurring?

Currently unable to access any pages related to
RAAF Series One
RAAF Series Two, or
RAAF/ADF Series Three.

Each gives:
"Not Found. The requested URL was not found on this server."

Posted by: Shep Nov 18 2022, 07:46 AM
Evidently a major restructure is in progress.

New home page looks good and links to Series One/Two/Three are working.

I understand that these things take time but, just in case you are not aware:
with regard to the "Articles, Research & Other Pages" icon and link - clicking on the icon takes one to that page however the links currently do not.

Again, I only mention this incase it has slipped through the cracks. If it is a job that hasn't been gotten to yet, then please ignore.

Posted by: cristo Nov 20 2022, 08:11 PM
Is there a new website address? the only thing I can access is the message board

Cheers Ray

Posted by: Shep Nov 21 2022, 08:37 AM
G'day Ray,


(note - no "www")

Posted by: cristo Nov 21 2022, 01:44 PM
That works
brilliant thanks Shep

Posted by: Brendan Cowan Nov 22 2022, 07:48 AM
Hi Folks,

Colin and Darren are progressively porting the site over to new and more up to date software that we hope will allow us to give many of our page authors the ability to work directly on pages.

If all goes well, authors will be able update a page and then prose the updates for publishing, saving many hours of work each time for everybody.

As ever, the pace of work is dictated by availability around, family, work and other commitments.

All the best


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