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ADF Serials Message Board > Aircrew > RAAF Tomahawk pliots

Posted by: Dave Masterson Oct 10 2012, 04:41 PM
Rummaging through the shed today and found this piece in an old newspaper from 1941. Might interest our Warhawk wink.gif

Posted by: Martin Edwards Oct 13 2012, 12:25 PM
Thanks Dave, nice article.
They were a different looking aircraft the Tomahawk, very sleek.

Posted by: Warhawk Oct 14 2012, 10:32 PM
I'll say Dave! Nice shot, if only we can read the name on the cowl

Certainly a jump up from the Lysander, Gladiator and Gauntlet


Posted by: Warhawk Oct 14 2012, 10:38 PM
Mind you, its not all over after DAF 1941. Do you know that they were used in several Tac R Squadrons in the European theatre,...out of the UK?

Here's a Uk Based AH925 Test Aircraft 1941

Posted by: Warhawk Oct 14 2012, 10:44 PM
Interesting, in Syria, they were still painted in temperate earth/Green ex factory.
Per Tomahawk IIB AK354 3Sqn RAAF (Photo ex Buz)

Posted by: Warhawk Mar 9 2013, 03:27 PM
Forgot to mention per original pic that is F/O Peter Turnbull on the left, later skipper of 76Sqn RAAF at Milne Bay 1942, and on the right is F/O J H Saunders in Syria. 3Sqn RAAF Mid 41


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