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ADF Serials Message Board > RAAF Aircraft - Royal Australian Air Force > Refugee Vampire In Nz

Posted by: Ron Cuskelly Apr 13 2023, 05:06 PM
During a recent visit to Wanaka I photographed these Vampire wings and booms at the National Transport & Toy Museum. I couldn't access the serials on the booms and I could find no trace of a fuselage pod. I suspect that the aircraft is XA167 which was part of the collection of the AAM at Bankstown.

user posted image
Bankstown 13OCT18

user posted image
Wanaka 01APR23

Can anyone please confirm the identity and was there ever a pod at Bankstown?


Posted by: Nicko Apr 13 2023, 07:42 PM
Hi Ron.
I can confirm that the ID of this aircraft is XA167 - based on the fuselage pod.
I was an employee of HdH/Boeing Aerostructures Australia at Bankstown when the aircraft was removed from the pole in 2013 and dis-assembled, due to the closure of that facility. Attached is a photo when it was leaving B-Hangar, on its way to storage for the Bankstown Aviation Museum. It was stored in Steve Ferris's hangar for a time and then moved to the BAM hangar. And yes, when the collection was dispersed, it did go to NZ with other aircraft from that collection. A shame really.

Posted by: Nicko Apr 13 2023, 07:44 PM
Ah, the photo now resized...

Posted by: Nicko Apr 13 2023, 07:51 PM
You can see some older info that I have on my website. You'll have to scroll down a bit...

Posted by: Ron Cuskelly Apr 14 2023, 02:29 PM
Thanks Nicko

Do you know if the pod actually went to NZ?


Posted by: Nicko Apr 14 2023, 08:22 PM
That's a good point Ron. That I cannot confirm. I did see some photos someone had posted on some time back. I don't remember all of the images I saw. I'll see if I can find them.

Posted by: Ron Cuskelly Apr 15 2023, 04:40 PM
One of posters on the WONZ forum has confirmed that he has sighted the pod at Wanaka. I gather it was with the wings but has been moved since he sighted it.

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