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ADF Serials Message Board > RAAF Aircraft - Royal Australian Air Force > A2-1022 Road Trip

Posted by: Mick Raftery May 23 2011, 10:52 AM
Posted in 'Army' because of current tattoo - I'll let others debate the 'RAAF' option !

One of the Long Tan vets made the trip from Nyngan to Caloundra last weekend. Plans are to display the old girl at the local RSL.

Nyngan received a replacement in exchange !

Another one to visit, Chris ?


Posted by: cj0203 May 24 2011, 06:35 PM
Could be on the cards Mick!

Interesting the camo scheme as it was never used on the short-bodied Australian Hueys, only the larger 'Hotel' models.



Posted by: Martin Edwards May 26 2011, 07:48 PM
..and the one going the other way

Any idea of its true identity?

Posted by: Mick Raftery May 26 2011, 08:40 PM
Martin - I understand it is VH-LIQ a TH-1F.


Posted by: Martin Edwards May 27 2011, 05:29 PM
Thanks Mick

Posted by: enfield38 May 29 2011, 09:08 PM
Great to see 1022 finally saved from the elements.

It seems strange they're replacing it with a former American F Model when there are still a bunch of ex ADF H Models (several of which flew at Nyngan during the floods) up for disposal.

This is NOT to criticise the team responsible for the recovery who, no doubt, have worked hard to negotiate the swap and organise a replacement. Just an observation...


Posted by: Martin Edwards May 30 2011, 12:59 PM
TH-1F 66-1237 previously operated as VH-LIQ sufferered a total power loss on 8/12/2009 and was severely damaged.
It is only a guess but I reckon cost played a part in its selection.

Posted by: Mick Raftery Jul 24 2011, 07:13 PM
Restoration progress earlier this month.


Posted by: Martin Edwards Mar 1 2012, 02:18 PM
Looking good!
Photo by Mick Raftery taken 19th Februarty 2012
I notice that both the real and the replacement A2-1022 are now carrying RAAF titles as worn during the Nyngan flood crisis of April 1990.

Posted by: Brendan Cowan Mar 1 2012, 02:28 PM
Nice Job,

She really does "look like the goods"!



Posted by: Mick Raftery Mar 1 2012, 08:30 PM
Thanks for spotting that shot Martin - had intended to post some images but chasing the tail at the moment.


Posted by: Mick Raftery Mar 1 2012, 08:34 PM
Dedication Ceremony planned for mid-March.

Posted by: Mick Raftery Mar 12 2012, 08:46 PM
The final flight ?

Mounted today in preparation for Dedication Ceremony.

Posted by: cj0203 Mar 13 2012, 07:01 PM
Great shot Mick. The supports really blend into the trees making her look "in-flight" once again

Can always count on Mick for the choice shots!!


Posted by: Aardvark Mar 14 2012, 05:48 PM
Should this topic now be moved to RAAF Aircraft?

Posted by: Martin Edwards Mar 15 2012, 09:02 AM
Posted in 'Army' because of current tattoo - I'll let others debate the 'RAAF' option !

Should this topic now be moved to RAAF Aircraft?

Seeing as it is now displayed as a RAAF 9 Squadron aircraft I think that it is only fair to move it over to RAAF

Posted by: Mick Raftery Mar 16 2012, 08:59 PM
Thanks Chris.

Heard of some discussion about how much of that tree needed to be removed. Works well as a great backdrop in the afternoon sun with the black column. Will also look good when lit up at night. Plans also to switch on the beacon during the Ode and Remembrance Silence.

Dedication Ceremony today featured tri-service participation. Still sorting the images.

Copy of Order of Service.

Posted by: Mick Raftery Mar 17 2012, 10:18 PM
An overview. ( and a cable to be photoshopped ! )

Posted by: Grumpy Cobra Mar 18 2012, 08:43 AM
Nice photos - I thought the NAVY Historic flight UH-1B went up there as well - quite a long journey for the old girl and still flying!

Posted by: Rod Farquhar Mar 18 2012, 11:23 AM
Not great Mick but about as good as I can get it.

Posted by: Aardvark Mar 18 2012, 04:02 PM
Looks better than a 25 pounder or an anchor.

Posted by: Mick Raftery Mar 19 2012, 08:41 PM
Thanks Rod - much improved without the car park cable. Gallery standard !

Yep GC - the Navy HF Huey landed on the bowling green next to the memorial Huey.

Many eyes, and memories, on the Long Tan chopper while listening to the distinctive "whup-whup-whup". A special moment.


Posted by: Martin Edwards Mar 22 2012, 12:40 PM
From Robbie Gee
"I was the Tech Advisor on the restoration of 1022.
The replacement aircaft we presented to Nyngan (VH-LIQ) was prepaired as an 9 Sqn A/C circa 1968 and we particularly numbered it A2-022 and not 1022 to avoid confusion. As of last week the real 1022 is on display at the Caloundra RSL. and depicted as a 9 Sqn. A/C in "mid"1967. "

I have added a reference to "A2-022" on our Iroquois page

Posted by: Martin Edwards Mar 22 2012, 01:21 PM
Glad to see that we played a small part in the exercise!

A2-1022 photo by Ian Symonds
T-shirt photo by Mick Raftery

Posted by: Brendan Cowan Mar 23 2012, 03:29 PM
So they used a photo from out image gallery!



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