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ADF Serials Message Board > Navy Aircraft - Royal Australian Navy Fleet Air Arm > Heritage: The Ran Vampire Jet Trainer

Posted by: Luig Dec 31 2019, 04:21 AM
Heritage: The RAN Vampire Jet Trainer

There are other heritage articles for other RAN aircraft if one investigates. The thank you on this page is noted elsewhere here:

Probably some of the photos here are not in ADFserials RAN Vampire collection:

Every Vampire Trainer Pilot (especially RAN which had differing instrument layouts) will laugh at this quote:
"‘Flight’ magazine, a prominent aviation publication of the time, gave the Vampire much coverage – it was, after all, the first wooden jet fighter of its time.  The magazine also heralded the twin-seat trainer, with this 1950 schematic captioned: ‘This view of the cockpit from the pupil’s seat makes clearly apparent the neatness and convenience of the whole layout’."

NOTE this GIF shows ONE of the RAN Vampire instrument layouts. Quite a change from the standard RAAF dual layout. In this graphic one may see how having right hand on control column in the left seat almost completely obscures the artificial horizon so one tended to lean left (away from instructor) to see wtf was going on when flying instruments dual. :-)

Posted by: Luig Dec 31 2019, 06:27 PM
Welcome development with RAN Aircraft 'Pilot Notes' available:

NOTE the Single Seat Sea Vampire has a HOOK. The RAN did not have SEA Vampires. (1.4Mb)

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