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ADF Serials Message Board > Army Aircraft - Australian Army Aviation > 3 X Aw139 Leased For Army Aviation (plan Corella)

Posted by: Grumpy Cobra May 19 2021, 09:56 AM
Looks like the first 2 AW139 out of up to 3 ? have already been delivered to Army aviation, not sure what the 3rd rego will be yet if in fact a third is leased?

"The uncapitalised Plan Corella will see up to three AW139s join 5 Aviation Regiment (5Avn) at Townsville to augment the training, non-combat general aviation support, and transport roles of the Airbus MRH 90 Taipans of A and B SQNs."

The first 2 regos are: VH-YBF, VH-YBG

Aircraft reportedly leased from Toll and retain all white livery and civil rego but with Kangaroo and "ARMY" in black see photo in link above.

Some of these aircraft were operated in the PRC (China) by a Chinese operator previously so a thorough de bug and software check would be recommended if they are to operate in any sensitive environment. tongue.gif

Posted by: Brendan Cowan May 19 2021, 11:29 AM
Thanks Grumpy,

We'll have to add this info to the page!



Posted by: Brenden S May 21 2021, 01:40 PM
Why on earth are they leasing 3 helicopters? Do we not have enough frames to cover current ops?

Posted by: Invader26 May 21 2021, 05:13 PM
The availability of the MRH90 fleet is abysmal. Currently a number just parked at Airbus Brisbane and low numbers in TVL too. Like the Tigers, these need to be binned now. The Swedes had such poor results with the NH90 that they bought MH-60M's as an 'emergency' buy.

Posted by: Invader26 May 21 2021, 05:40 PM
Navy have a project to ditch the MRH90 as well...

Posted by: Grumpy Cobra Jun 19 2021, 12:45 PM
Echoing exactly what Invader26 said:

The whole fleet of MRH-90s grounded... that will be a big miss for Talisman Sabre if they stay grounded and operational requirements.

"The ADF’s fleet of 47 NHI/Airbus MRH 90 Taipan helicopters has been grounded due to maintenance and safety issues with the aircraft’s support system. ADBR understands the fleet was grounded in May due to safety and certification concerns, and is unlikely to be returned to service anytime soon."[B]

Bring on the next Big European Defence Procurement Project - lets modify French Nuclear powered submarines to conventional power and tinker with changing the combat systems... pure genius in risk mitigation that, and a huge step forward in common operability with our allies not !!!

“The more pity, that fools may not speak wisely what wise men do foolishly.” ...

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